
What Right Wing Extremists?

Salamantis4/19/2009 4:23:09 pm PDT

re: #691 chipbennett

I’ll admit to not knowing a great deal about Christian Identity. I am somewhat familiar with it - just enough to know that it completely bastardizes Christian doctrine.

This isn’t “No True Scotsman”. An adherent of Christian Identity calling himself a Christian would be analogous to me, a devout, evangelical Christian calling myself a Muslim.

The case of Christians in the Third Reich is a completely different matter.

No, because a Christian calling himself a Muslim would be a case of someone lying about being in one religion, while really believing in another (taqiyya), while members of Christian Identity are adherents of a violent virulent mutation of Christianity, but are Christians nonetheless, just like Al Qaedanism is a violent virulent Wahhab-Qutb mutation of Islam, but its members are nevertheless still Muslims.