
Breaking: Senate Passes Stimulus

ichef2/10/2009 11:23:24 am PST

On “Electronic Medical Records” …
I take my Father in Law to a small VA Hospital several times a year and this is my observation of “government healthcare”. The doctors at the VA spend 98% of their time on a computer. I have no idea what they are typing or if they are playing solitaire, I don’t care. Patient care SUFFERS and I have no idea where these records go cause EVERYTIME we go in for a visit it’s like we have NEVER been there, same questions, same waste of time. So I don’t know where these “electronic medical records” that thousands of very expensive doctor man hours are used to produce but they don’t seem to “stay” in the computers that produced them. So like everything else the government does it goes down a big black hole never to be seen again like our money.