
Florida GOP wants to speed up the death penalty, let God sort them out

Reality Based Steve4/30/2013 5:15:38 pm PDT

And these are the exact people who are screaming about the accused Boston bomber being appointed a skilled public defender. I really don’t think that there is any doubt about his guilt as a point of fact, but it is the job of the government to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, and he is entitled to a competent and qualified defense. I’ve seen numerous bloggers and posters in the nutzo land state that he should basically be stripped of all constitutional rights, shipped off to Gitmo, and if something bad should happen to him enroute, oh-well, too bad.

I am against the death penalty in principal, not because I have a moral reservation about someone who is truly guilty being put to death, but because more and more it seems that it’s a crap-shoot on if the person convicted is even the right person. Prosecutorial misconduct, police malfeasance and court appointed council incompetentence can combine to put an innocent man on a one way trip.

I’m not on the right, so I don’t have all the answers wrapped up in a bullet point or a bumper sticker. I think that something has to be done system wide, and lets start by making sure that nobody is killed by mistake just because we want it “Quick”.

But Republican Senator Rob Bradley said, “this is not about guilt or innocence, it’s about timely justice.” Frivolous appeals designed only for delay are not fair to victims and their families, he said. ‘cuz we all know that there is nothing un-fair about putting a truly innocent man to death because we’ve got a deadline to meet.

This people disgust and scare me more and more, and I don’t scare easy, I was married to a red-headed cajun for a while.

Rambled a bit here, but there is just so much anger in me right now