
Pope Benedict: Gay Marriage a threat to the future of humanity

EiMitch1/10/2012 10:10:34 am PST

Sorry ‘bout double-posting like some whack-job, but I just had another thought: Most religions do just fine without a single, central authority. Catholicism would be much better off without the vatican. Those power tripping, obscenely wealthy, inhumanly fanatical and irredeemably corrupt hypocrites give catholics a bad name. And if the catholics do take the trouble to throw off the papal chains, they should also collectively tell Bill Donahue to stick-it while they’re at it.

Sorry for ranting like a wingnut. It just pisses me off that an entire religion would continue to treat as authority an organization which they know to be run by a cabal of true ‘sinners.’

Maybe I’m coming down with Vatican Derangement Syndrome. At least thats one VD(S) I wouldn’t mind having.