
Would Romney's Faith impact the White House?

Mostly sane, most of the time.11/03/2012 7:41:40 pm PDT

re: #5 prairiefire

Emmie, really, how much does Romney’s status in the Mormon church inform his ego and his sense of service? Do you have any way to tell? Could he have a messianic yearning to lead the nation based on Mormon doctrine?

I would think that most messianic yearnings inside the church would tend towards church leadership, like the churchwide callings. Also, all but a few church callings have a release, so he is no longer a stake president.

However, I can tell you that church leadership is one big long chance to face your shortcomings and “stretch” yourself (i.e. learn by making mistakes.) Anytime I’ve been in an auxiliary presidency it left me feeling very humbled.