
Netanyahu's diplomatic failure: Israel dragged through UN like a sack through a market

Aligarr11/30/2012 1:29:11 pm PST

You really believe your own words Destro ? Although Netanyahu may have given an excuse for the UN to prematurely exercise what anyone following history for the last 5 decades would inevitably conclude , although a bit crude , Netanyahu IS right . Abbas covertly and Hamas overtly both desire Israels ultimaste destruction , it just the time frame they disagree on . Try reading the Palestinian National Charter and the Hamas Charter . There was a FIRST step in Oslo to be taken by the Palestinians that NEVER was taken , in fact voted on 3 x’s by the Palestinian National Charter ,and rejected 3x’s , and that is the removal of the language in thePalestinian National Charter , calling for the destruction of Israel . Instead now Israel has TWO entities to deal wth each nullifying the other politically and idealogically on how to go about what is now contained in a second charter/covenant by Hamas , calling for the same thing .
Israel would be insane to allow a Palestinian State if and until this is resolved , and the issue of it’s security ….which btw the “magnanimous UN ” did not even address much less consider ….or perhaps it did , and voted in favor of this anyway …which is more likely the case .
So let the palestinians sit in and watch …without a vote . For Now . Israel will decide when and where and whether parts of it’s Sovereign Territory becomes a Palestinian State .