
Why Palestinians yes, Kurds no?

Destro12/07/2012 1:49:06 pm PST

re: #6 alinuxguru

So bringing up lack of support for independent Kurdistan is a straw-man.

So you fully support an independent Kurdistan? It quite clearly has all of the necessary precursors to become a stable, self-governing nation.

Yes, I personally support an independent Kurdistan - and you should be thankful I am not in power to make that happen because it would lead to decades of war in the region. I am also for Scotland being free and the Basques being free and for the American Indian tribes to kick out the white man and declare independence and be recognized as nations in the UN. So be thankful I am not Emperor of the world.

The USA, Israel, EU, pretty much every nation on earth except right wing fanatic settler Israelis supported an independent Palestine (the USA and every Israeli govt said they were for working for recognition of Palestine out of the West Bank and Gaza following preconditions to be negotiated between parties) so suddenly that is not the desired outcome?

No third party nations have ever supported Kurdish independence (maybe the Greeks and Armenians in private just to fuck with Turkey). Everyone supported Palestinian independence - it is just that the Palestinians (according to the USA and Israel) moved “too soon” towards that direction.

You deny this?