
Spectacular Stop-Motion Animation: My Strange Grandfather

Eclectic Cyborg2/23/2013 3:46:03 pm PST

Appalling: LA Cardinal at center of sex abuse scandal compares himself to Jesus

I have tried to live out-poorly and inadequately far too often-his two implications of humiliation:
1. the acceptance of being scapegoated, pointing out the necessary connection between humiliation and redemption;
2. this scandal is putting us, the clergy and the church, where we belong-with the excluded ones; Jesus was painted with the same brush as the two thieves crucified with him.

This is in response to his intention to travel to Italy to vote for the next Pope despite allegations against him.

His statement offends me on so many levels I won’t even comment further on it, except to say that my already low opinion of the Catholic church has sunk even lower.