
Nuclear Fantasies Given Thumbs-Up By Associated Press

Athos4/05/2009 9:09:02 am PDT

re: #47 Sharmuta

Clearly- this nation is not being ruled by people learned in history or in their right mind.

Unfortunately, the history learned by the present leaders is the revisionist history taught by marxists and leftists in our education system.

I seeing this first hand in a class I am taking on US History since 1945. In one assignment on the Cold War, we were tasked to write about the impact and ‘horrors’ of McCarthyism - fully painting the entire hunt for Communists in the government and positions of influence as being under McCarthy. I pointed out that this started well before McCarthy - with the Smith Act and Truman’s 1947 executive order requiring loyalty oaths and checks on government officials - and banning Communisty Party members from government jobs - and that the items the left like to focus on as being McCarthyism, going after leftists in Hollywood, were led by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee of which McCarthy wasn’t a member. Finally, using materials decrypted and declassified from the Venona projects, I was able to demonstrate that the majority of those accused by McCarthy in his committee were Soviet agents. The professor had never heard of the Venona project or the results of it even though it was declassified in 1995.