
Breitbart Blogger Dan Riehl Says I Lied That He Defended Derbyshire, Then Defends Derbyshire

Lidane4/11/2012 12:14:35 pm PDT

More Freeper fail on the Zimmerman charges:

App 12% of the population holding a nation hostage. That’s all this is. If whites weren’t so weak and suicidal, it couldn’t happen. I don’t blame the white South Africans a bit if they’re laughing at us, after we joined in the blackmail of that country.

Looks like the race pimps and the Lynch Mob Media are going to get their way on this.
Thank you, 0baMao, for re-igniting racism in America!

DISGUSTING…It’s bigger than Zimmerman because frankly I don’t know him or care about him personally. This is about how a mob along with the media can destroy someone’s life at will over their leftest race hustling politics and of course ANTI self defense /anti gun stance.

keep your powder dry, fire at will to protect yourselves..

I hope Zimmerman drags it out well past the election. With his arrest BO lost the opportunity to whip up a race war with this event. As long as it’s pending the black pampers don’t have anything.

This is too funny. Former race-baiter, democrat Hispanic George Zimmerman is railroaded by race-baiting black Liberals. What goes around comes around! This whole thing could backfire on O’blamer. What if it turns into a race war between Holder’s people and Geraldo’s people? Grab some pop corn and ammo, it’s going to be an interesting summer!

I hope that the prosecutor is fully aware what damages an arrest will have on Zimmerman’s future employment opportunities. The publicly known facts cast substantial doubt on criminal liability in this case. A man’s livelihood and reputation will be severely damaged for political reasons.