Comment's Week of Monumental Fail

Franklin2/22/2013 11:59:38 am PST

re: #56 FemNaziBitch

I’m nearly finished listening to the Lee Atwater audio clip from this article.

Initially I’m struck by the constant reference to “blacks” as if they are some alien species and the issue is how to get their vote. And the GOP hasn’t changed much really, and they wonder why they aren’t getting the votes, overall.

Funny (well,not really) thing is that I was just reading that yesterday. This from Nixon’s political strategist Kevin Phillips:

From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don’t need any more than that…but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That’s where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.[2]