
We Got Mail!

american sabra4/02/2009 1:26:10 pm PDT

At the risk of replying to a dead thread….

#707 Perplexed and #689 Sacred Plants

I’m not sure we can stop the origination of diseases. Well ultimately, this is what science wants, but what we can stop is the spread and that’s through vaccination. The largest problem here isn’t so much YOUR child contracting a disease that has been virtually erradicated (it really only takes one kid), but that your child will in turn give it to lots of other kids who are not vaccinated and so on, and so on. I haven’t followed all the threads here on the subject, but the outbreaks, I believe in Michigan recently and elsewhere show the unthinkable irresponsibility of parents such as McCarthy that would risk the lives of many, many children, and quite frankly the general population, when it’s completely unnecessary.