
And Now, a Brilliant Animated Short: Agent 327 in "Operation Barbershop"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/28/2017 3:07:41 am PDT

re: #67 William Lewis

I’ve have occasionally wondered if a NATO invasion South across the Canadian border isn’t a possibility. It would certainly make the breakup of the former Yugoslavia look pleasant by comparison… M1s fighting Leopard IIs across the Dakota wheat fields before turning east towards Washington…

Such forces in a pincer movement from Canada and Mexico would meet up somewhere around my house.

The bad part of such an invasion would be all the ICBMs that would be between two putative salients. I’m guessing it would come down to “use em or lose em,” which is precisely why no sane nation would try to invade us even if they had the wherewithal to do it. (The numbers of amphibious forces that would have to come from Europe and or Asia to North America would be staggering and rather quickly detected by our military.)