
Catholic School Rejects Child Because Parents Are Gay

iceweasel3/08/2010 10:37:10 pm PST

re: #37 SanFranciscoZionist

They’re denying a child a Catholic education because the parents do not follow the teachings of the Church in their private life.

I am SURE that none of the children in this pure school have parents who use artificial birth control, or have been divorced and remarried, or who are living together without the benefit of matrimony.


SFZed, we were talking about this story recently on a thread, and you came up because of a question I had— I thought it was fairly standard for Catholic schools to accept students that weren’t themselves Catholic, or whose parents weren’t Catholic. My Catholic (HS) was like that, anyway. Is that not so? Or, why would this be different? (I also mentioned some of the cases you just did.)