
Maneli Jamal: Morning in Adanac

SanFranciscoZionist4/21/2012 1:27:50 pm PDT

re: #33 ProGunLiberal

This cached page from the Deseret News says otherwise.

Also, two other points. One: If your side wants to do birtherism, two can play at this game. Don’t want this to be used? Then don’t do birtherism.

Second: Alot of us over on this side want revenge for Prop 8. And some of us even have other bones to pick.

Rant to follow:

His great-great-grandfather had two wives? A Mormon in Utah in the ninteenth century had more than one wife? I may faint.

Wait, why does this have anything to do with Mitt again? The LDS church banned polygamy over a century ago, and Mitt’s been married to Ann Romney for about a million years. And no one else. Let’s say his FATHER had SIX wives. Why would I care?

Birtherism is stupid. It does not get smarter if we are playing at it. Given that the seeds of inspecting Obama’s citizenship were reportedly first planted by the Clinton campaign, it is also clear that birtherism comes back and bites your party in the ass.

I would rather be at least slightly classy than have Barack Obama be president again. And the best part is, I don’t think we have to pick.

Also, Mitt is hated by the same people who are birthers, so this is indulging them, not fighting them.

As for Prop 8, Mitt didn’t do it.

Religious bigotry is wrong, no matter how palatable it is made for me and my political beliefs. I’m not going to vote for Mitt because he’s Mitt Romney, and he’s a Republican, and a panderer, and I think he’s made out of plastic, not because he’s a Mormon.