
Hopenchange at the CIA

jcm1/22/2009 10:48:10 am PST

re: #713 justabill

There’s an old concept from the US Civil War and probably earlier. It entailed having a POW about to be released sign a pledge not to take up arms again. This allowed the POW to go back and support his family. It allowed the capturing side to free up resources (food, facilities, guards time) that would be spent housing the prisoner, and use them for other purposes. Both sides respected this parole pledge thus the returning soldier would not be drafted. If the released POW was ever captured on the battlefield again they would be summarily executed, having broken their pledge.

I have heard various numbers as to how many people released from Git-Mo have later been found to be actively involved in terrorism. I assume that at least some of them have been recaptured and I wonder what has become of them.

If we really are going to close Git-Mo, could we at least require a similar pledge. I know the other side would not respect such a pledge, and the ACLU would probably sh*t a brick the first time one of them was shot, but all in all, I think it would be a good idea…

During the presser this morning BHO used the phrase “dispose the detainnees” meaning of course what to do with them, I thought “now there’s an idea…..”