
Economic Failure Endorses Stimulus

Gus2/19/2009 4:54:56 pm PST

re: #707 jcw46

SOOOO! It was YOU! Well, I can’t cast any stones (at least not any big ones). Nixon and Ford messed a lot of peoples minds up. The media then was just as bad as now. Nixon was crook Ford was a stumblebum. Carter looked like a college professor. Too bad he was like an art history professor. Good for teaching art but not much else of use. Even his being in the US SubService wasn’t all that. When the Iranians took over the Embassy AND he flubbed the rescue, that’s when I said f**k it all.

Yep, my fault. ;) I toss it up to ignorance and naivete now. I loath Carter and am kind of shocked to see him associated with anything Navy. Particularly any nuclear subs and naming thereof. At the time I motivated by “environmental” issues. Now I’m motivated by almost the opposite: regulations, the Nanny state, spending, taxes, etc. Basically the opposite of Carter.