
Stock Market Free Fall Monday

FrogMarch3/02/2009 2:47:45 pm PST

re: #656 Boxy_brown

Is it still a good thing we didn’t elect the RINO…

yes and no.
The angry democrat left were about to burst if they didn’t
get their way. If McCain won all hell would have broke loose on the left.

We now have to live with the consequences of an election where the media and the cult of hollywood had so much influence over the choice, that we are left with their decision. A decision based on a man without the proper leadership experience to run a nation properly. Obama is a fantasy - a rhetorically flourished teleprompter reader who gives CNN a collective orgasm.

I’ll take the Rino - but the angry left would have lost it. Maybe we have to live with this left-wing mad man in order to get back to principle.

-or - I have no idea.