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Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/31/2014 7:36:16 pm PST

Who’s buried in Grant’s Charlemagne’s tomb?

Charlemagne’s bones are (probably) real

Researchers confirmed on Wednesday evening - 1,200 years to the day since Charlemagne died - that the 94 bones and bone fragments taken from the supposed resting place of the King of the Franks and founder of what was to become the Holy Roman Empire came from a tall, thin, older man.

The team first opened the sarcophagus of the first emperor in western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire in secret in 1988 and presented their results for the first time on Wednesday.


The greater part of the skeleton was found in the king’s elaborate tomb, while parts of the skull were found in a bust of the emperor. One of the shin bones was discovered in Charlemagne’s reliquary - a ceremonial container for remains.

While most of the bones are accounted for, it is believed some of those missing were given away as relics at the time of the emperor’s death.