
Acoustic Shredding Par Excellence: Nick Johnston, "Sandmonster"

Bass Reeves9/24/2016 5:52:44 pm PDT

re: #39 Charles Johnson

So, at this point I’d like to point out that the police weren’t actually there for Mr. Scott. They were waiting to serve a warrant on somebody else, and knew nothing whatsoever about him. I would also like to point out that NC is an open carry state, so there should not have been a public health hazard for him holding a handgun in his car. They literally had no reason to interact with him in the first place.

But now days later, he was high (on marijuana) and armed and aggressive. And we’re not going to release the videos from the angle of the shooter, we’re just going to show you the victim’s back. We’re not going to talk about why we ignored the interaction and attempted calming of the situation by the spouse.

But I will say this, they sounded like they considered attempting first aid. I wonder if laying someone on their bullet wounds and pulling their hands behind their backs improves their medical state?