
A Powerful New Jam From Fantastic Negrito: "The Suit That Won't Come Off" Feat. Blind Dancer Odil Gerfaut

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/11/2019 5:02:51 am PDT

Majorities of U.S. veterans, public say the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting (Pew Research)

A majority of veterans line up almost precisely with the general populace in the opinion the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting.

Amongst veterans, the difference between those who fought in those wars and those who did not are insignificant.

Amongst those who identify as Republicans versus Democrats, Republicans were much more likely to support the wars, but still upside-down in the polling.

Amongst veterans, there was no difference in opinions between rank or combat experience.

There were similar opinions about intervention in Syria.

Views do differ significantly by party, however. Republican and Republican-leaning veterans are much more likely than veterans who identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party to say the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were worth fighting: 45% of Republican veterans vs. 15% of Democratic veterans say the war in Iraq was worth fighting, while 46% of Republican veterans and 26% of Democratic veterans say the same about Afghanistan. The party gaps are nearly identical among the public.