
Another Andrew Breitbart Edited Tape?

researchok10/31/2010 12:30:24 pm PDT

re: #69 Obdicut

I’m just not sure of “Hey, if there are any sex offenders working for Miller as campaign workers, we could report on that” rises to the level of some sort of dishonest conspiracy.

Even if it was said in seriousness, which it really doesn’t appear to have been.

I mean, this is the Brietbart-provided info, which really should mean this is the most damning crap they’ve got— and it’s nothing.

Like I keep saying, we just don’t have enough info yet.

Like you, I’m suspect of anything Breibart might report on, so in that sense, I believe there is a good chance this is all BS.

Like the Shirley Sherrod case, I just want to see the whole shebang. I don’t think that is unreasonable.