
The Texas Taliban

idioma3/03/2010 1:40:32 pm PST

re: #694 marjoriemoon

The bigot that says Jews and Blacks are evil and deserve to die are speaking honestly, from their viewpoint anyway. Just being “honest” doesn’t make you a kind person.

Everyone on this board, E V E R Y O N E has a problem with what you say and how you say it. Not one person agrees with you, even those who share your belief. Yet, you think you’re more clever than the rest of us. And even those of us who bicker between ourselves have a hard time tolerating what you say. You demand respect, but you give none.

Take your self-righteous athiesm somewhere else.

You sound honestly hurt. And that is a personal problem. Even if a billion people disagree with evolution, it would still be a fact. if you can’t handle it, that’s your problem. I never said I was here to be a ditto-head.