
Sunday Jam: Bill Laurance: "Chia"

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/25/2017 1:41:04 pm PDT

re: #8 Charles Johnson

It’s an interesting example of how neo-Nazis are now trying to erase their history of antisemitism and rebrand themselves as “anti-jihad.” Same old bigotry and hatred, just a new target.

This reminds me of one of the later Sopranos episodes when Tony is in the hospital and Hesh and a woman friend of his are there:

(can’t remember the quote exactly, but close enough)

Woman: You can disagree with the evangelicals but they’re great friends of the Jews and Israel.

Hesh: Just wait.

In other words, they have found other enemies to occupy them in the mean time (Muslims, Liberals, Brown People), eventually they will come back to you.