
The Link - Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor

justdanny5/19/2009 2:27:25 pm PDT

During the later stages of evolution, from ‘hey that looks a lot like a dude but it has a smaller head’ to ‘hey, thats a dude, the worlds ice caps were much larger and the worlds water was much shallower. They (earlier we) hugged the coastlines for the plentiful food stuffs and to have a quick escape route away from predators. A sea animal attacks they (we) move onto the land. A land animal attacks they (we) move into the sea. All the while spreading and evolving out of east central Africa.

It is my fear but not regret that much of the stuff we evolutionists need to paint a clear picture of the genetic journey (there’ll never be enough to make the i.d. folks convinced) is lost in the now deep waters along the rivers and mostly coast lines of the world.

These bits and pieces like Charles links to here are islands I’m afraid. Islands between which may never form bridges.