
Top NSA Official Ridicules Trump's Conspiracy Theory That Britain Spied on Trump

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/18/2017 2:28:42 pm PDT

Pretty much all I can do is try to poke my relatives in Trump-land.

Here, all my political leaders are already against the bigotry-fueled deconstruction form Bannon et. al. so there’s really no one left in politics for me to convince. At most perhaps I can lend some help to those over in Issa’s district, in the hopes of unseating him.

It’s really up to all you living with Republican Senators or Reps - to flip those seats, or at least convince your incumbents to at least listen to your pleas.

The likes of Ryan and other Republicans have no need to listen to one iota of anything I might say - they are not beholden to me.

Commenting on blogs/twitter/facebook - I find mostly gets me nowhere. There isn’t really much of a conversation. At best one can make someone else angry.