
Stephen Colbert Weighs in on the Important Debate of the Week: Did Trump Say "Shithole" or "Shithouse?"

piratedan1/17/2018 6:10:44 am PST

to be honest, it’s fine with me if the physical reports are what they are… to me it just doesn’t matter. For the sake of argument, say he is 239 and is in perfect cognitive health. What does that say even if he is operating at his peak.

His peak still sucks..

he still is lazy…. physically and intellectually…

he still has an infantile grasp of the world, politics, people.. the reported “decline” of his physical and mental condition did nothing but give shade for the bad behavior and the heinous GOP agenda

he’s still Donald Motherfucking Trump, the same lying, racist duplicitous bastard he always was surrounded by people that are just as deplorable as he is..