
What Right Wing Extremist Violence?

avanti5/21/2010 12:41:48 pm PDT

re: #71 Guanxi88

Ha! She’s a malpractice attorney!

From her firm’s page:

“In working in the medical malpractice, educational, and criminal justice areas, we became more and more aware of the systemic conditioning of numerous people in at least four generations of Americans. We are endeavoring to correct these misconceptions through several business ventures and non-profit organizations. We have created two for-profit corporations that fund several non-profits entities addressing social ills and reforms.

There seems to be no end to the oppression of the little guy by big corporations, runaway government, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical conglomerates—it seems that so many organizations are set up today simply to take advantage of the unequal bargaining power of the individual.

We are actively helping individuals get their finances in order to avoid these pitfalls and to help others learn to avoid injury and loss. We are losing our FREEDOMS more and more each day because so many people have been shackled with debt, demoralized, and disenfranchised. When citizens of any country are debt-ridden, demoralized, and disenfranchised the entire fabric of the country suffers as a result. The people are easier to rule, but they feel hopeless, drained, and apathetic. “

Does not sound like a leftie than.