
Overnight Video: Mitt Romney vs. Reality

BigPapa4/06/2012 3:21:25 am PDT

Comment on Chris Mooney excerpt from above link:

The government should absolutely endorse one world-view over another when science has proven the former to be true. The government endorses the law of universal gravitation, for example, by hiring engineers that are trained in basic physics. It endorses the theory of evolution by requiring schoolchildren to be vaccinated. It should endorse the theory of anthropogenic global warming by taking action to attach a price to carbon so that the free market can incentivise technologies and behavioural changes to tackle the problem.

Your private property proposal might work for local pollutants such as particulates and SO4, but climate change is a global aggregate phenomenon. Who is a peasant farmer in Bangladesh supposed to sue if global warming caused primarily by industry in the wealthy countries floods his land? If climate science is correct on this (which it is), then I’m afraid that your libertarian ideology is going to have to either make a few compromises or endorse a course of action that will lead to global disaster. The same is true of progressives, who need to give some serious thought to things like nuclear power and genetically modified crops in light of this new challenge. The bottom line is that the laws of nature don’t care about your personal freedom.