
Overnight Open Thread

doppelganglander9/18/2009 7:56:31 am PDT

re: #731 DaddyG

I have a slightly different take. I think the nutroots on both sides get louder during the period between elections when the parties turn inward to jockey for power. In the end the more moderate political opinions of the vast majority of Americans will push the parties to select candidates that reflect their views.

On top of that the Internet allows the most extreme points of view to be spouted anonymously. That encourages the “wingers”.

I think you’ve got a point. Also, some members of the party that is out of power are likely to be angrier and more vocal than they were when their party was in power. I’m not as surprised about the anger on the right as much as I am by the fact that some of the left still seems angry. They got what they wanted, why are they so pissed off?