
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

Catttt4/15/2009 3:01:00 pm PDT

re: #584 Killgore Trout

Tea party guy says pray, repent and it will get better.

I read a review of some new conservative-right wing novel called Patriots There was this quote from the book in the review:

“I generally recommend that people pick religious people for neighbors because they’re going to be the most law-abiding and trustworthy in a crisis, because they’re God-fearing. If I had a Bahai as a next-door neighbor, I’d feel much safer than someone who was a Marilyn Manson fan.”

I’m a Marilyn Manson fan, and believe or not, I rarely eviscerate my neighbors.

My point - I tend to get alienated from people who assume I’m “the other” for some stupid freaking reason - who put me in a pigeon hole and assume stuff and diss me or assume that music choices or church attendance correlates with your character one to one, when it doesn’t.

This is the main problem I have with a lot of the right wing.

I have a bumpersticker that says “I’m One Too.” People stop me in parking lots to ask me what I am.