
Overnight Video: Pale Blue Dot

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/28/2011 11:42:24 am PDT

re: #745 iossarian

I would like to ask one simple question about the ownership of holy sites:

How many years must elapse with the site under the control of a particular religious group before they “own” it?

Well that particular question gets answered badly since Israel owns the site now… presumably then the Muslims have no claim by your logic.

I therefore prefer a view that actually respects all sides which is to look at the historical facts. The Temple is the cultural center of one entire people and always has been. - for thousands of years. Sometime later conquerers put up a mosque on that site. However, that is not their holy site at all. They pray towards Mecca.

Now the original owners are in power again.

So let me ask, if I invade your living room and put up a shrine and claim your living room is holy to me, while you are on vacation, do I get to keep your living room?