
Overnight Video: Pale Blue Dot

iossarian4/28/2011 11:48:31 am PDT

re: #747 LudwigVanQuixote

Well that particular question gets answered badly since Israel owns the site now… presumably then the Muslims have no claim by your logic.

I therefore prefer a view that actually respects all sides which is to look at the historical facts. The Temple is the cultural center of one entire people and always has been. - for thousands of years. Sometime later conquerers put up a mosque on that site. However, that is not their holy site at all. They pray towards Mecca.

Now the original owners are in power again.

So let me ask, if I invade your living room and put up a shrine and claim your living room is holy to me, while you are on vacation, do I get to keep your living room?

I asked how many years. Not who owns what or when or anything else. Just how many years?

People take over other people’s stuff all the time. It stinks, but it happens. And eventually it is forgotten and we pretend that the stuff belonged to the invaders all along.

My question is really - what is the time threshold at which the pretending starts?

BTW, in this specific case, as I’ve said before, Israel is far more sinned against than sinning.