
Alex Jones Equates Trump University Judge to "A Hispanic KKK Grand Dragon"

KerFuFFler6/06/2016 1:04:43 pm PDT

In the thread below there was a lot of back and forth between DF and others about the craven GOP capitulation to Trump. DF offered “analysis” suggesting that many Republicans were intimidated and felt they had no choice if they wanted to keep their jobs as politicians.

Well, yeah, but caving in to intimidation and ditching one’s principles for the sake of staying in office is simply not leadership. Congressmen are supposed to be leaders, not just representatives. And they are supposed to put their county’s best interests ahead of their own personal ambitions.

I can’t help but compare their cowardly and greedy behavior with Muhammad Ali’s heroic example regarding Vietnam.

In 1966, Ali announced his refusal to fight in Vietnam. After his conscientious objector status request was denied in April 1967, he refused induction. Ali’s title was taken away from him, and he was sentenced to a five-year prison term. He appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, and in 1971 his conviction was finally reversed.

DF, I have read enough of your comments on many different topics to believe that you mean well and disapprove of a lot of what has become of your party. Generally loyalty is a virtue, but persisting in supporting a party that has sidelined all the principled members and policies is taking loyalty too far. Refusing to vote for Trump and any down ticket GOP slots for politicians who have caved in to him would not be a betrayal on your part. In nominating him, they have betrayed you! They have to be defeated this cycle so they can rehabilitate their party.

I hope my tone does not come across as rude. I have respect for your willingness to comment here though most lizardim are more liberal and take you to task. The blog is more interesting when people don’t agree on everything. So in the spirit of respectful dialogue I ask you, what principles does the current GOP still embody that make you still see them as your political brethren?