
Video: President Obama and VP Biden Unveil Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence

Destro1/16/2013 11:31:43 am PST

re: #69 HappyWarrior

That’s not even historically accurate. During Hitler’s fall, a majority was not against him. IF that were the case, the Battle of Berlin would have not been the hell on earth it was. And hell Hitler still has a lot of people today who still contend he was right. But yeah comparing Obama to Hitler, yawn. Obama’s not even Pinochet lite yet and the rwnjs love Pinochet.

I am pretty sure many if not most Germans by 1944 and 1945 fought on DESPITE Hitler not because they loved Hitler. The ordinary German feared the Nazi thugs behind him and the Russians in front of him.

Google pictures of Germans hung by Nazis in Berlin as a terror inducement for them to fight on.