
The Arizona Gun Stunt and the Pastor of Death

Killian Bundy8/31/2009 6:10:48 pm PDT

re: #729 LudwigVanQuixote

Since the GOP seems intent on going even deeper into loony land, then I will be happy to let them commit suicide quickly so that they can be replaced with an actual center right party

Experts across the country are expecting Democratic losses during next year’s midterm election

All independent pollsters are now predicting Republicans will pick up seats in Congress. The Democrats have a 40 seat majority in the House and 10 seats in the Senate. The Republicans should be expected to pick up more than 20 seats in the House, and a handful in the Senate. That will allow the GOP to help put a halt on the liberal agenda that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are attempting to enact. It has become clear that Democrats are beginning to realize their precarious situation with voters and that is why many are trying to pass things quickly through Congress.

Two things, as of now, will determine the outcome of the election. The first is healthcare reform and the second is the economy. If Democrats fail to pass healthcare reform, then they can only blame themselves. Americans do not want the public option, but the liberal politicians do. President Obama has made healthcare the centerpiece of his domestic agenda, so it’s defeat would be a severe blow to his agenda. If the American public and Republicans, coupled with some mainstream Democrats, rally to defeat the public option and prevent the expansion of big government, then that will be a victory and a major factor is the Democrats losing seats. Secondly the economy will be featured front and center. If unemployment is still high, the deficit is sky high, home prices still low, and inflation goes up, then the American people will realize that the economy now belongs to the Democrats and will vote them out. Now, the election is 14 months off still, but it is shaping up to be a year that the Republicans begin their march back to power

/run for your lives, the sky is falling!