
The 2008 Weblog Awards

Alberta Oil Peon1/05/2009 9:51:45 pm PST

re: #605 jwb7605

MRI is the only method to detect the presence of a lipo sarcoma tumor.
Also, MRI’s are OK if you have non-ferro-resonant metals in your body (such as titanium staples).

The technology got ‘set back’ for a while, because they used to call it Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. People freaked at the nucular part.

Heh! All proof of the dismal state of science education in the world. Sure the magnetic resonance is “nuclear”, all they are doing is measuring the spin quanta of un-paired protons in the nucleus of atoms (mostly hydrogen) in the body’s tissues. You line ‘em all up with a strong magnetic field, then turn off the field and analyze the radio-frequency signal the protons emit as they gyrate around to line up with the magnetic field of the Earth. No dangerous ionizing radiation whatsoever.

Kind of like having a platoon of troops on the parade ground, being reviewed by a general, and when he orders, “at ease”, and walks away, see how long it takes for the troops to notice there’s a naked babe in the reviewing stand.