
A Walk Down Memory Hole Lane

buzzsawmonkey8/17/2009 3:18:14 pm PDT

re: #57 LudwigVanQuixote

I would add, by the way, that the difference between the fringe loonies depicted in the pictures above and a nice fat slice of the Administration’s inner circle is less a matter of substance than a matter of style. In short, they know how to wear suits and speak in modulated tones—but that doesn’t mean they don’t vibrate in total sympathy with the sentiments expressed in the signs being waved by the ragtag and bobtail in the street. And they have a filibuster-proof majority at the moment.

Sufficient sanity prevailed to prevent—thus far—the war crimes trials demanded by these street myrmidons. But I, for one, have not forgotten that some of the nice clean folks in suits were actually entertaining the notion with some seriousness.