
Donald Trump Says He'll Walk Away From the US Treaty With Japan Unless They Pay Up

BlueGrl218/05/2016 8:31:10 pm PDT

re: #62 teleskiguy

I cross-posted this tweet to my Facebook.

[Embedded content]

Five motherfuckers have been deleted. All white males.

I had to do this purge when he first started his campaign and started the racist crap. I gave one warning shot…that I would not have him clogging up my Facebook feed or my comments. Anyone that ignored that clear boundary will no longer be a part of my online world.

Then I started cutting people off.

That meant my aunt and three of my 5 cousins, many friends of many years, coworkers, and my brother. My best friend of 30 years. I still talk to them offline but politics are never to be discussed.

Harsh? Yes, but i own my social media and what I do with it. And I will not have my online personal space turn into a Trump cesspool. I do not want my personal relationships completely torched. I’m not going to let them turn ME into someone with the kind of hate they are currently wallowing in.

I’m sorry you are having to do this. Trump is doing something disgusting to our political discourse and divisions are growing very deep, even in families. I will be so glad when this election is over.