
Peering into the Galactic Center

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/23/2009 2:14:21 pm PDT

re: #61 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I’m guessing that NASA is suppressing the photos of the dancing elder gods and their monstrous pipers.

Well if you really want to think about it, the issue is that when you fall into a black hole, you are of course ripped apart, stretched to taffy, irradiate and possibly have part of your constituent matter converted into a plasma jet to be shot into space by the insane EM fields.

But if you fall in all the way.. your matter gets annihilated by Hawking radiation. Hawking radiation works by having a particle anti particle par wink into existence near the event horizon. One particle goes out to space and the other annihilates inside the black hole.

What that means is, that the constituent part of you that had been vaporized, irradiated and turned to plasma, now is quite literally erased from existence.

Black holes are the ultimate death. It is not just that you would die. It is that every part of you would ultimately cease to exist and any information about what made you would too. The information stuff is a reference to black Hole entropy as a result of Hawking radiation.

Physically, there is no more complete death.