
Now Can We Call Them 'Teabaggers?'

SpaceJesus5/05/2010 9:04:38 pm PDT

re: #68 mich-again

Hijacking the “Tea Party” theme as a rallying cry is lame. The original tea party was a protest against taxation without representation. The only reason these people don’t have “representation” is that they have been too lazy or complacent or uninterested to do something to actually get their candidates elected into office. They yap about an impending revolution when all they ever needed to do is use the electoral process the founding fathers put in place. When they use the Tea Party theme they insult the spirit behind the original.

and they like to fantasize that the founding fathers would have been in favor of their anti-tax poseur rebellion against the federal government. I’d like to instruct the tea party folks to look up the Whiskey Rebellion and Shay’s rebellion and see how those turned out.