
The 'Stalinist' Who Came In From The Cold

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/20/2011 7:13:50 am PST

re: #761 Cannadian Club Akbar

One of the things I do in my spare time is work with the Freelancer’s Union, a non-traditional union of freelance workers, small business owners, etc. I am one myself; i have my own S corporation. I am my only employee. I generally have only two or three clients at a time, doing large projects.

If, at any given moment, one of those clients simply refused to pay me for work I’d done, I’d be seriously hosed. Sure, I could ‘punish’ them by refusing to do more work with them, but that’s not going to solve my immediate problem of being hosed. And they can lie and say that my work was substandard or something and other people may believe them, so it may not negatively affect their reputation at all.

This is why having enforceable contracts is a good, and necessary, thing for businesses.