
New York Times Investigative Report Destroys Right Wing Myths About Benghazi Attack

Eclectic Cyborg12/28/2013 1:59:50 pm PST

OT, but I need to vent.

It seems to me that advertised sales are becoming largely meaningless because retail prices/MSRP don’t mean anything anymore.

Case in point, in the lead up to Christmas I saw several stores advertising sales featuring 40-60% discounts on big name brand name whatever.

It used to be that 40-60% off was a SIGNIFICANT discount that you didn’t see very much, ESPECIALLY not in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Thus, I am forced to conclude that such “sales” , and the discounts they offer are merely a ruse to separate people from their money.

It amazes me with how common this ploy is becoming that more people aren’t picking up on it.