
Cory Wong Breaks Down and Gets a Real Job (Official Music Video)

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/15/2019 3:27:49 pm PDT

So this next year’s Super Tuesday really is super, and California is the big prize for the Democrats.

The candidate will likely be determined on that day.

Perhaps that is why the number of undeclareds are declining in SD county, because people want to vote in the primary for the Democratic candidate?

Bernie will have to swing a couple of hundred thousand undeclared to Democrat here in SD, if he is going to win the county. My bet is that Harris, Warren, and Biden will be the most popular here, followed by Beto, as far as the long time Democrats are concerned.

All those undeclareds who are too good for the Democratic Party, who think Bernie is the hot thing… I don’t know if they will re-register in time.