
San Francisco to Vote on Circumcision Ban

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/19/2011 7:27:26 am PDT

For anyone defending this ban:

In Jewish culture, having a foreskin is, to put it mildly, a blemish. To force a child in that culture to forgo this trivial operation is much closer to child abuse than to have them undergo it. They are going to be socially ostracized and made to feel as the other.

Now, of course you can just say, “Well, that’s Jewish society’s fault”, but that is not, in the least, looking out for the best interests of the child.

We are not intelligently designed. The presence of a foreskin is not a mandate by nature that we should have it, that it is useful. I am really tired of arguments that because it exists naturally biologically, that it is therefore ideal. The actual medical evidence is that there is a slight amount of health benefit for sexually active males in having a circumcision, with that benefit turning into a slight negative for non-sexually active males.

Of all of the problems facing children in the US today, that some of them are being circumcised— a trivial operation with negligible health risks— is hardly among them. And those claiming to view this as child abuse are ignoring entirely the social impact of not getting circumcised, and the obvious outcome this law would have that observant Jews would continue to get their children circumcised, in secret.