
Trump's "Black Outreach" Effort Proceeds: He Wants a Nationwide Stop-and-Frisk Policy

BeachDem9/21/2016 7:19:54 pm PDT

re: #75 dangerman

couple more good questions:

do ya think trump is the only rich person with a family foundation doing the “income shortcut thing”?

do ya think NBC (as in trumps case) or other contributors checked or cared how the money they “donated” was distributed? Think any of it was “restricted”?

If I remember correctly (too lazy to go check) NBC’s ocntribution was because Trump ran his mouth on the Apprentice about donating money and NBC ponied up the cash. NBC only cared about the ratings, so they’d do anything they could to keep the crybaby quiet.

I doubt they gave so much as a single shit what happened to the money.