
George Will Misrepresents Climate Change Study

KingKenrod2/21/2009 4:28:50 pm PST

re: #689 Thanos

When Repubicans debate this it should always be in terms of the urgency, and terms of the solution proposed. The Draconian measures of Kyoto guarantee death and misery as well as major wealth transport to no good end.

Should we be trying to control human behaviour from a technocratic circle of philosopher kings, or should we be creating a plethora of clean cheap energy?

(here’s a hint: failures of attempts to redirect and control human behaviour are much more demonstrable than the urgency of the climate challenge.)

I think if you concede the “AGW is happening and we have to do something about it” question, you’ve already conceded the debate for action to the other side - because the issue is so easy for power-grabbing politicians to demagogue. I don’t know if you can defeat Al Gore-type scaremongering by having a reasonable debate. You’re going to get bullshit-dozed.

At that point government has to start controlling things because people won’t control themselves unless markets dictate they must through prices.