
Inadvertent Wingnut Humor Site of the Day: Conservative Fact Check

Ziggy_TARDIS11/25/2012 5:08:14 pm PST

So, anything else on the MB coup?

I do notice the friend I mentioned who went from sweet Social Conservative to smug Lolbertarian (I meant that) said I shouldn’t be bashing the MB as much as I do. She’s says not all people in it are bad.

She may be right, but a group can have good people in it, and be evil as the dajjal himself. I don’t get how someone how so many people my age have gone to this idiotic Libertarianism. In addition, I constantly get told by these people that my politics are outdated. Why are so many of my peers complete idiots? We have been through this exact situation before, in terms of economic policies. You know, Gilded Age? And the punchline is, the friend mentioned at the top is in the Master’s Program for teaching, attending a major University for it.

Won’t she promote her ideology when teaching? Granted, my mindset in Politics is that Politics right now are a war. From the Culture War stuff that has gone on through my entire life.