
Outright Dishonesty at the Washington Times

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion4/17/2009 4:04:33 pm PDT

re: #743 Killgore Trout

Everyone who hates Murtha for his disgraceful smearing of our troops needs to also consider that smearing our counter terrorism officers is just as bad. They are not out to get you. They are protecting all of us, you ungrateful bastards.

And I’m sure if the lefties got a hold of a left-wing extremist threat assessment document from the DHS 3 or so years ago, they would barking moonbat crazy over it. They would be calling Bush Hitler (more than usual), the DHS would be the stutzstaffel or Geheimestattspolizei, and they would be demanding investigations into politically motivated abuses of power by teh neconz.

Why does the right insist on emulating them?