
A Map of Hateful Tweets by Region

Rightwingconspirator5/10/2013 5:07:58 pm PDT

re: #2 Vicious Babushka
re: #7 Bert’s House of Beef and Obdicuts

Okay it’s great to see all the discussion on this one. So, maybe overlays would be cool? Like red/blue counties nation wide? Population density, I certainly want to see that. Suggestions anyone? I’ll do the Photoshop work if you guys want to send any links to an overlay that light be interesting. Or just mention what would be cool and i’ll do the hunting. Maybe I can work up a neat gif., never made one of those moving gif files before.

Oh, this thing is twitter centric. Skews it young? Left? Right? What else might be in there…. Hmmm.

BBL commute time-Subscribed so I don’t miss anything.